Friday, March 13, 2009

My poor sister(in-law) Jessica

This morning Hal had to work at 8 and I thought "Oh good, I can check and see how Jessica and the baby are doing". But to my surprise, Jessica is not even at the hospital yet. I thought for sure I would be reading about my new beautiful niece. Poor Jessica, or as Haley says "Poor Aut Jes e ca." And not being able to eat, just how did she do that. I was always hungry, ALWAYS, right up to the epidural. It's so hard being up here so far away from our family. We know that Jessica is okay but just has to be getting so horribly uncomfortable. Maybe even a little annoyed that other women get to have their baby today. And I can just imagine how anxious the boys are to meet Quinn. I can almost hear them saying "Is she going to come today?" I know that's what I'm thinking and I'm sure Jess is too.
Neither one of my two where on time for their due dates. Haley was two weeks early and Heath was a day late. I think I liked that Heath was a day late, compared to Haley's early arrival. With Miss Haley I was induced because my amniotic fluid was low, so I didn't get a choice. With Heath, I was to call to see if I could be induced the day after my due date. But he had other plans and I was in labor all night long and most of the next morning. I kinda like that he was late, I felt like he was done being made, done on his terms.
So for my poor sister Jessica, I will keep praying that a slot will open up and you can go be induced. It will happen soon and Miss Quinn will be perfect. She is just being a typical girl, she wants to be born on her own terms. When ever she is born, we can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. I feel so bad for her too! Come on Quinn! I agree she's just being a girl; she'll arrive when she's ready! ha
