Thursday, March 26, 2009


We have had some big milestones this past week. Haley decided that she was going to start her potty training. I walked into her room Saturday mornng and she had a pull up on, backwards. I could have swore that I had a regular diaper on her the night before. Oh wait, I was sitting on the floor. And my dear Heath, not to be out done by his sister, decided at that moment to take his diaper off too.
That night as I put Haley to bed I thought, okay, daytime=pull ups, night time = diaper and put on pants to prevent what happened the night before. I was wrong. The next morning Haley had her diaper off and was wearing only her pj's. We are officialy done with diapers. We also have had luck with the potty training too. Haley gets very proud of herself, its so cute. Heath is very interested in this process. So much so that he tends to follow us. This is NOT a good idea. Haley and I were in her bathroom potty training and Heath came running up. so I shut the bathroom door. BIG MISTAKE! Heath proceded to open the bathroom drawer, and he LOCKED US IN! So not fun. But at least Hal was home, in the shower, but home. About 10 minutes later I hear the water shut off and start yelling. About five minutes went by and I yelled some more. Finally he came, he thought I was joking. No, no joke. Our son locked me in the bathroom.

Friday, March 20, 2009

She's here!!

Miss Quinn Abagail Chandler arrived. She was born at 10:50pm and weighed 8.5 lbs. She is already sucking her fingers too. This is definatly a Twitty girl thing. Now all three girl cousins have sucked their fingers, Haley, Kiera and now Miss Quinn.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Woot!! Quinn is on her way

FINALLY!! My sister is having her baby, woot! We are so happy and just can't wait to here. Quinn has been a long and anticipated arrival. I do feel bad for the boys though. They want to be with their mom and dad soo bad, and meet Quinn even more. I will keep you updated, or just check it on on Bobby's blog...he will be updating it all night long.

Monday, March 16, 2009

My sweet girl

So I was making the kids glasses of milk. I even put syrup in to make them special. And wouldn't you know, I knocked it right off the counter top. Haley was right there with me to have our perfectly clean white socks turn brown. YUCK! My response was "Oh great, another mess and I just mopped." Haley's response was "Aww, poor Heather."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Update On Jess

Well, the hospital STILL couldn't fit her in, so no baby Quinn. On top of that the hospital doesn't induce on weekends AND her Dr. is going OUT OF TOWN next week. She offered to induce on the 24th. Quinn will probably be here by then. Can you seriously believe it! Her due date isn't until the 23rd but Jessica has REALLY BIG babies. (Which makes sense, her and Bobby are nice and tall. And Lissa, her mom, had all ten pounders.) Seth was soo big, I think 9 1/2 or 10 lbs and she was in labor for such a long time, I'm talkin' over a day and a half. I don't remember how long she pushed, but I know it was long and exhausting. With Haley I was in labor for 18 hours and pushed for 15 minutes, she was 6 lbs 6oz. With Heath I was in labor for 14 hours and pushed for 20 minutes, he was 6 lbs and 8 oz. Tiny babies, I even had to go buy preemie clothes for the first month. I know God is keeping my little Quinn safe for a bit longer, but I can not wait to meet her. Hopefully she won't be too be for some of tiny clothes...but she has soo much more waiting for her. Ya'll are in our prayers.

Friday, March 13, 2009

My poor sister(in-law) Jessica

This morning Hal had to work at 8 and I thought "Oh good, I can check and see how Jessica and the baby are doing". But to my surprise, Jessica is not even at the hospital yet. I thought for sure I would be reading about my new beautiful niece. Poor Jessica, or as Haley says "Poor Aut Jes e ca." And not being able to eat, just how did she do that. I was always hungry, ALWAYS, right up to the epidural. It's so hard being up here so far away from our family. We know that Jessica is okay but just has to be getting so horribly uncomfortable. Maybe even a little annoyed that other women get to have their baby today. And I can just imagine how anxious the boys are to meet Quinn. I can almost hear them saying "Is she going to come today?" I know that's what I'm thinking and I'm sure Jess is too.
Neither one of my two where on time for their due dates. Haley was two weeks early and Heath was a day late. I think I liked that Heath was a day late, compared to Haley's early arrival. With Miss Haley I was induced because my amniotic fluid was low, so I didn't get a choice. With Heath, I was to call to see if I could be induced the day after my due date. But he had other plans and I was in labor all night long and most of the next morning. I kinda like that he was late, I felt like he was done being made, done on his terms.
So for my poor sister Jessica, I will keep praying that a slot will open up and you can go be induced. It will happen soon and Miss Quinn will be perfect. She is just being a typical girl, she wants to be born on her own terms. When ever she is born, we can't wait.

Kid's say the funniest things

So this past week I have really been hearing both of the children's vocabulary improve. Heath is saying words and Haley is forming sentence's.
Normally I wake Haley up or she comes into the room and says "wake up mama." Yesterday Hal opens the door to her room and she walks into the bedroom and says "I'm gonna get you! I'm gonna get you!" It was so funny. Where did she get this from at 8 in the morning. But even funnier. Later that night we are all sitting around talking with the t.v. on. Well, the Hillshire Farm commercial came and at the end Haley yells "GO MEAT." She even did the cheerleader arm move, correctly, so hysterical.
By Heath's first birthday he was saying "Mama(me), Dada(hal), papa(my dad), baba(bottle), and lala(my cousin lauren)." He still doesn't say much but he is so funny. When he hears music he likes he will babble along. When Hal leaves for work he says "bye bye". If you put a phone up to his ear he will say "hello" or "hey". And listening to him and Haley talk their childish nonsense is one of the cutest things. For now he has a deep raspy voice and it is so cute. At Christmas Heath had taken steps by his self but just one to a pair of out stretched arms. It's now two months later and he has changed so much. He has 95% mastered walking and only falls when he is tired and ready for his nap. Now that he knows he can walk every where, he is truly my shadow or Haley's. She loves that he walks and even gives him pats on the head for encouragement. Sometimes she will even try desperately to hold his hand and take him somewhere. But he has yet to let his big sister lead him around.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saying Thank you

Why is it that to get my two and a half year old to say a simple "Thank you" is like pulling teeth. She is seriously so suborn. I just have to wonder who she got that from...(and idea's)? We sat in time out today just for not saying it. But then there's little Heath. He is thirteen months old and has been saying "Thank you" over a month. It seems to come natural to him. I had a snack and in his little gibberish, you hear it. Oh, I know that people thought I was crazy when I told them. But Hal heard it a couple of days ago. I could still be crazy, but not as much if he heard it too.
Haley can be really sweet. She will take Heath his cup anytime I ask and always offers him half of her own snack. I asked her which cup she wanted and she said "Mickey Mouse, please." So at least she has the please down. We went for a family walk with the dogs the other day. Hal had Heath and well, the boys got quite a bit ahead of us. Haley called out "Daddy," I really think she got upset that Hal took her brother out of her sight. Or as Haley refers to him "Heathbar."